The Isle of the Dead



Hissing profound mist shrouds the boat

Creaking of oar is engulfed by the void

No sun in the sky – only dark cloud

Lap, lap... sways the water.


Boat rocks, carrying souls without hope

Their lifeless eyes stare at distance

Faceless ferryman smiles at these ghosts

Lap, lap... sways the water.


To the wordless song of a lost deranged psyche

Dances the stray melancholic spirit

Regretting suicides drown helplessly

Lap, lap... sways the water.


Endless cloud hangs from the sky

The sky glows red like a dull lead

Water reflects the bloodstained colour

Lap lap... sways the water.


Sun shines divinely far, far away

Lifefs transient memory beams through the rift

As souls cling onto precious old memories

Lap, lap... sways the water.


The faceless ferryman shatters the dream

His ruthless laughter echoes through the mist

Mist deepens its embrace – and everythingfs calm.

Lap, lap... sways the water...


Merciless one-way ferry soon ends its journey

Cold mist clears to reveal a black forest

Ferryman turns back, and all is veiled in mist...

Lap, lap... sways the water.



© Seiki Ryu 2001